Sunflower Field …
Makes a nice background for yet another picture of the bike 😉

Makes a nice background for yet another picture of the bike 😉
It was 32 decrees Celsius today, so the moisture sprayer on the pavement was a pleasant surprise 👍
The Elbe is called Labe in the Czech Republic.
Dating back to the communist regime. There is still plenty of them on the streets in the Czech Republic.
Loads of vertical rocks in the forrests.
Made in the 1930’ies by the Czech army to prevent a German invasion (The bunkers did not prevent the invasion …)
The Crosses in front of the Bunker seems to be a local dog Cemetary for Fido, Rollo, and King !
We stayed in a great hotel just across the border from Germany.
Note the green man wearing a hat. This is unique to the former eastern Germany (DDR)
And an old train station.