April 2022
Electronic vignette …
To pay for riding the motorway in Slovenia. (It used to be a sticker)

Border crossing …
From austria to Slovenia.

War memorial …
From the battle of Karlovac, Croatia …
Plenty of memorials around here from the home war in the 90’ies.

Abandoned communist airbase, Zeljava, Croatia …
Not an official tourist attraction, but not exactly blocked for access either …
It is quite special because the hangars is build into the mountain, and if you are a bit careful, you can actually ride your bike through the hangars !
Great experience.

Riding the runway …
Still on the abandoned Zeljava airbase.
Some of the runways are crossing the border to Bosnia, and illegal border crossing is not recommended here, so make sure to pick the right runways to ride.

Road block …
Balkan style.

Beautiful waterfalls …
The bridge did not seem to be rock solid, but the locals was driving cars over it, so it should be able to take the weight of my bike 🙂

Fishing huts …
The stream was divided so there was a channel of water for each house.
This way, the owner of a house could just lower a net into the channel to catch the fish that was passing through.